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Coffee Drinking Statistics


Its springtime, when flowers and coffee drinking statistics are in bloom. For sixty years the National Coffee Association (NCA) has published a drinking trends survey each spring. In the last few years, Zagats has jumped in and also publishes the results of a survey in the spring. An important difference between the two surveys is the NCA results apply to all adults in the U.S. while the Zagat results applies only to adult coffee drinkers. Those are our sources here. For your edification and in the style of Harpers Index, we present, coffee drinking statistics:

Percentage of adults drinking coffee daily: 59

Percentage of adults drinking coffee weekly: 71

Percentage of adults drinking coffee occasionally: 78

Number of cups of coffee consumed daily per capita: 1.9

Number of cups of coffee consumed daily, on average, by coffee drinkers in their 20s: 1.8

Number of cups of coffee consumed daily, on average, by coffee drinkers in their 50s: 2.4

Number of cups of coffee consumed daily, on average, by male coffee drinkers, all ages: 2.4

Number of cups of coffee consumed daily, on average, by female coffee drinker, all ages: 1.9

Percentage of adult coffee drinkers who drink coffee every day: 82

Percentage of coffee drinkers who indicate most of their coffee is made at home or work: 43

Percentage of coffee drinkers who indicate most of their coffee is from a large chain retailer: 26

Percentage who indicate most of their coffee is from small chain or independent retailer: 22

Percentage increase over 2014 in number of people regularly buying coffee outside the home: 8

Percentage of coffee drinkers who indicate they love latte art on their drink: 43

Price coffee drinkers report, on average, as too much to pay for a cup of black coffee: 3.67

Percentage of coffee drinkers who indicate black coffee is a favorite coffee drink: 24

Percentage of coffee drinkers who indicate a latte is a favorite coffee drink: 17

Percentage of coffee drinkers who indicate a cappuccino is a favorite coffee drink: 12

Percentage of coffee drinkers who indicate a Americano is a favorite coffee drink: 8

Percentage of coffee drinkers who indicate an espresso is a favorite coffee drink: 8

Percentage of coffee drinkers who indicate an iced coffee is a favorite coffee drink: 5

Percentage of coffee drinkers who indicate a flavored latte is a favorite coffee drink: 5

Percentage of female coffee drinkers who indicate a regular coffee is their favorite coffee drink: 19

Percentage of male coffee drinkers who indicate a regular coffee is their favorite coffee drink: 30

Percentage of female coffee drinkers who prefer buying coffee at large national chain retailer: 31

Percentage of male coffee drinkers who prefer buying coffee at large national chain retailer: 20

Percentage of coffee drinkers who think it is okay to sit in a coffeehouse indefinitely: 21

Percentage of coffee drinkers who say they regularly tip their barista: 61

Percentage of coffee drinkers who say they always tip their barista: 21


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