Today, April 17th, marks the 10-year anniversary of Enduring Hearts!
One in four transplants will fail largely due to organ rejection. Of those who have another transplant, nearly half will not survive.
Enduring Hearts funds the critical, yet often overlooked research needed to eliminate rejection, prevent life-threatening complications, and reduce the risk that a second transplant will be needed.
The Enduring Hearts Scientific Advisory Committee, composed of top pediatric cardiologists and immunologists, peer-reviews grants several times a year and helps provide invaluable input that enables us to dedicate funds to the most promising research that will save lives for kids who are alive today.
By purchasing an Enduring Hearts blend coffee, you are helping us continue to make an impact in the pediatric heart transplant community and fund the research that matters!
In honor of Enduring Hearts' 10th Anniversary, we want to help them continue to fund innovative pediatric heart transplant research. We hope to sell over 500 bags of Enduring Hearts blend coffee this month, so we can give these children the gift of a lifetime and make a heart transplant a cure!
You can purchase a bag on our website or in our Atlanta stores!