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It IS Easy Being Green

As you may already know, Batdorf & Bronson® Coffee Roasters was Americas first 100% green-powered coffee roaster.

Our earth conscientiousness does not end there. We are proud to share with our consumers how important our planet is to us and that our actions prove our passion. At the end of a long list of energy saving and earth friendly actions, our most recent transition was replacing all the overhead lights in our Olympia Roastery. As a result of this energy and money saving move, we were invited to participate, as one of the stops, in the South Sound Green Tour! We were happy to host Thurston County Waste Management, US Electric, & Thurston Energy, all of which had booths here as well. The tour was a self-guided perspective of homes & businesses that pride themselves on their earth friendly practices. There was a decent turn out of like-minded guests, most of whom were impressed by our environmental commitment. Many of them even felt compelled to state their loyalty to B&B, which was a pretty wonderful feeling.

If you dont already know our Maintenance Engineer Jim Unzicker (a 13-1/2 year veteran of B&B) you should. He is our Maintenance Guru, Environmental Services Director..our King of Green! Jim maintains our Olympia Roastery, and all of our retail locations, keeping them in amazing shape. And just for the record, he is one of the friendliest and most genuine people I have ever met. His actions to reduce our carbon footprint has influenced so many people, myself included. When I started working here, nearly three years ago, I was immediately impacted by Batdorf's responsible recycling & composting practices. I was amazed by the fact that my small family had more waste than the entire building! My life changed at that moment and I am now proud to raise my daughter with a deeper respect for our planet. Last weekend, Jim took three groups of grade school students through the same tour we gave to the public. It was very well received and gave these youngsters some wonderful information to incorporate into their own lives. After walking through the set-up that Jim created for the tour guests, I was inspired to share it with you here. I believe many of you out there would love to know that not only do we care about sourcing and roasting quality coffee, but we are deeply committed to lowering our environmental impact as well.

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