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This Month's Science Caf - "What Really Goes On In A Crime Lab?"

Science Cafe

Join us Tuesday, August 10th at our downtown Coffeehouse as forensic scientist, Terry McAdam presents the different methods and tools used in a modern crime lab. McAdam first started his career in Northern Ireland Forensic Science Laboratory before moving to the States and joining the Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory. He currently is the manager of the Tacoma Crime Laboratory and specializes in trace evidence and crime scene analysis. In this presentation, McAdam will outline different crime lab analysis techniques followed by a Q&A session allowing any CSI: Crime Scene Investigation fans time to field questions.

When: Tuesday, August 10th at 7PM
Batdorf & Bronson® Coffeehouse
516 Capitol Way South, Olympia, WA 98501
(360) 786-6717
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