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COVID 19 Response

Dear Loyal Customers,

First off, thank you for the abundance of support during this unprecedented crisis we are all facing. In our 30+ years in business as an independently owned company this is certainly a new challenge that we are all taking on. As we navigate these unchartered areas together, we are committed to our partnerships. We are taking every precaution for the safety and well-being of our team and you, our customers, and have made some modifications to ensure we can continue to roast coffee for you.

    In our Roasting facilities we have implemented the following practices:

  • All equipment is being thoroughly disinfected between shifts.
  • We have limited entry for outside visitors to our roasting facilities.
  • Our team has committed to adhere to the recommended guidelines outlined by the CDC, including social distancing, both during work hours and their personal time.
  • We have discontinued the practice of stocking wholesale customers’ shelves and our drivers will now deliver your boxed orders to your front-of-house staff.
  • In our retail stores, we have taken a number of precautions to keep our guests and staff safe.

  • Service is limited to Grab-N-Go or curbside pickup only. All seating has been removed or made inaccessible.
  • Staffing has been modified so there is minimal contact between staff and customers.
  • We are not accepting customer mugs; all drinks will be served in a to-go cup.
  • We are not refilling empty coffee bags; all bulk coffee will be provided in a fresh bag.
  • Markers have been put in place to indicate 6-foot distances between customers should a line form.
  • We have stopped utilizing all ceramics in-store, including cutlery and demitasse spoons which are now disposable.
  • We are sanitizing all point-of-sale equipment, counters, door handles and regular contact points every 20-30 minutes.
  • We have transitioned to paper-wrapped straws and have relocated cup lids and stir-sticks behind bar.
  • We have removed customer access to pastries & toasting stations.
  • Our staff are washing hands often and wearing gloves when handling cash.
  • We are not rotating stations, and have assigned staff to either making drinks OR operating the POS system/taking payment. (If you only have one staff, it is recommended they wash hands between handling cash or cards and making drinks.)
  • We are addressing new issues as they present themselves and may move to e-mailing or printing paper receipts in lieu of customers touching
  • We have a plan in place if a staff member were to become infected.

We will continue to keep you apprised of any updates or changes to our procedures, as we weather this storm together.

Thank you for your continued partnership as we work through this together.

Sincerely, David J. Wasson/President & COO

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